Аудиокнига «Parable of ‘White’ Envy. Collection of prose», Yury Yavorsky в исполнении Steve Elliott - слушать онлайн на Звуки Слов
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Parable of ‘White’ Envy. Collection of prose

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1 час 9 минут, 64 МБ
Чтец: Steve Elliott

Our world is so complex and varied, yet there are still certain patterns of human behavior. Love and hate, selflessness and envy, friendship and betrayal are but small grains of heritage that someone once spilt on the ground and forgot to pick up. Small they may be but how many mysteries and intricacies they create in our destinies…

Through his creative work and take on entrepreneurship, the author tries to find the ‘philosopher’s stone’ that many people dream of.

Правообладатель: АРДИС
Дата выхода: 15 октября 2024 г.
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